What’s in a Number?

A variance of the question Juliet asked on her balcony unknowingly to an eavesdropping Romeo. The answer is simple: Everything.  That’s what’s in a number… Anytime I apply for anything, and I do mean anything, I have to supply my SSN and my Drivers License number.  They’re so important…identifying pieces of information.  In fact, whenever … Continue reading

MAGIC: Happy 2013! ;)

Magic.  That’s what we’re all expecting.  We partied hard last night (some harder than others), and we wake up for better or worse on January 1st , 2013 and expect everything to be different.  Magically. Ok, so maybe I’m the only one hoping for a bit of magic these days, but I swear to you, … Continue reading

For Such a Time as this

I haven’t left for Mexico yet, but as I sit here, I wonder about the impending trip. I’m a Christian, and part of my world view and belief system is to believe that I am not going on this trip by chance or mistake.  I haven’t given it much thought until tonight as I hover … Continue reading

25 Days of Memories, Day 16

Summer. Such a beautiful name for a rather heinous girl.  Ironic, really.  Summer was the bane of my existence at daycare.  And yet, she ruled the playground so you had to play nice in order to have a happy recess.  Okay, so truthfully I don’t remember the much about her, but I remembered enough to … Continue reading

25 Days of Memories, Day 15

Take One Adjust for skin tones (Well, someone’s got to take a hit here…) I keep promising to tell more stories in another post, but then I never do, or at least, I haven’t yet.  Until now.  Yesterday’s post was about meeting Christina and becoming secretary of the African American Student Association (AASA).  Today’s post … Continue reading

25 Days of Memories, Day 14

One of my roommates often wonders about my memory.  She thinks I remember some pretty random stuff.  It made me start to wonder about it too…and I’ve figured it out.  My family is a story-telling family.  We may not be the most eloquent story-tellers, but we are elaborate, and growing up I heard stories all … Continue reading

25 Days of Memories, Day 13

*TMI POST WARNING: This post contains info that is not for the faint of heart. Proceed with caution. Post contains information of a decidedly odorous nature.* If you know me, then I am without a doubt the most embarrassing person you know. It’s good for you, because you just laugh at me all the time … Continue reading

Good Friends…It’s the Little Things

I love spending time with friends.  But most of my friends will know that I’m pretty horrible at keeping in touch, period.  Especially over the phone.  It’s not that I don’t value my friends that are far from me, it’s just that I am a super tangible person.  I need to see a person…be in … Continue reading

25 Days of Memories, Day 12

Some stories are hard to tell than others.  It all depends on my mood, really, and how much I’m willing to write.  But everything I’ve read is that writers write, period.  And not because it’s this huge overwhelming passion (though for many, I assume it is), but because they’ve developed the discipline to write.  Discipline … Continue reading

25 Days of Memories, Day 11

Today’s story is a memory from Greenville, South Carolina and it involves a birthday party.  I seem to remember a lot of special occasion stuff from Greenville, which I guess is how the story goes.  When you get older, the tedious memories seem to slip your mind.  That’s my theory, anyway. So Adrienne.  That was … Continue reading