25 Days of Memories, Day 16

Summer. Such a beautiful name for a rather heinous girl.  Ironic, really.  Summer was the bane of my existence at daycare.  And yet, she ruled the playground so you had to play nice in order to have a happy recess.  Okay, so truthfully I don’t remember the much about her, but I remembered enough to … Continue reading

25 Days of Memories, Day 11

Today’s story is a memory from Greenville, South Carolina and it involves a birthday party.  I seem to remember a lot of special occasion stuff from Greenville, which I guess is how the story goes.  When you get older, the tedious memories seem to slip your mind.  That’s my theory, anyway. So Adrienne.  That was … Continue reading

25 Days of Memories, Day 7

Sometimes I think about stories I need to share and then I forget when I actually start to write.  I need a better system to remember my memories…lol.  I thought of one just a moment ago that I had to share: Getting shot in the head with a BB gun.  What?! I know right, so … Continue reading

25 Days of Memories, Day 6

So apparently I’m slacking in consistency, but at least I’m consistent in not being consistent…there’s something to be said for that, I feel.  lol I’ve gone back and forth debating what I should talk about for my next memory.  I certainly have more than 25 childhood memories.  It’s more of a question of which to … Continue reading