A hop of Faith and an End of an era

(My first Christmas with the Communications Bureau)

Today marked the end of an era.  Sort of.  Well…not to sound too dramatic, but today was definitely an end.
Since February 2010, I have worked in the Communications Bureau of the Salvation Army’s USA Southern Territorial Headquarters.  For the past three and a half  years, I have worked on a site called the Ministry Toolkit.  I have poured my 7.25-hour work days into uploading resources, creating resources, and telling people about resources.  In addition to my work on MTK, I’ve had the honor of being a part of the Communications Bureau team as a writer, a producer, and an editor.  I’ve designed 345 gigs worth of PowerPoint Backgrounds and posters.  I’ve edited hours of footage, and I’ve spent hours writing shows like SSTv (from Nov 2010-May 2012), the Toolbelt, and most recently the #MTKToolbelt (yep, they’re different things).  I have worked with nearly every program department on the building to help create helpful resources for the field.  And today, at 2:30pm, I left the Communications Bureau for the last time as a Communications Bureau employee.

(Above, shooting the very first MTK University episode.  Eli Silva Directing, and Anthony Rhodes on sound.  I was holding the “teleprompter.”)


(Above, my first National Salvation Army Week.  I got roped into being a donut girl, but I didn’t mind.)


(Posing with the original “boys.”  This was before I was the only girl in the Bureau.  Anthony right, and Joel Massey to my left.  Sporting MTK’s polo and very large I heart The Salvation Army buttons.)


(Laura Dake and I before the epic “Catch the Joy” SSTv episode.  Repping my MTK shirt as always.)


(My first co-host of SSTv, Lex Robertson.  We had a fun time making these promo photos for the first TMI/TYI episode of SSTv.)

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(My final SSTv host, Meagan Davis.  Now roomie and bestie.)

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(Taken at EQUIP 2013.  Introducing the new show #MTKToolbelt on stage.)

On July 8th, 2013, I start my new position as the Territorial Youth Communications Specialist with the Youth Department.  Same building (sort of) but quite different responsibilities.  Now I know what some of you may be thinking.  “What about the Ministry Toolkit?!?”  Don’t worry.  I’ll still be your point person on the site until a new person is hired in that position.  I’ll still be answering your emails and doing my best to make sure you have exactly what you need to minister effectively.  But from now on out, I’m no longer to be known as Ms. Ministry Toolkit.


(A picture taken for The Salvation Army publication, All the World.  Shows me in front of the Ministry Toolkit site.  The site has changed quite a bit since then.  This was the end of 2010.)

It was a tough decision, to say the least.  I spent hours in prayer.  I spent hours making lists of pros and cons, and after it was all said and done, I left with a decision in hand.  I didn’t know if it was the right decision or not, but it was a decision nonetheless.  And sometimes just making a decision is half the battle.  Taking the job in the youth is a leap of faith for me–an albeit tiny leap of faith.  A hop of faith, we’ll say.  And I’m definitely trusting that God has got me in this transition.  And consequently, I believe He holds my now old position in His hands as well.  He has exactly the right person in mind for that job, and they will be hired at the appropriate time.

But today isn’t really about MTK so much as it is about the Bureau.  I have worked day in and day out with some of the best staff (in my opinion) at THQ.  They are some of the most creative and diligent people I know, and I have truly been blessed to work with them.  My comfort in all of this is knowing that it doesn’t have to stop here.  I will still be around to bug them about deadlines, and collaborate with them on projects.  It won’t be the same.  But maybe it can be even better somehow.

And to Chris, who gave me my first shot in the real world job market, thank you.  I’ve had a blast and have grown so much in this position.  I was 22 when I first started working in Atlanta.  I remember the morning of my first day on the job, thinking “What am I doing here?! This is crazy! I moved to Atlanta for a job! Oh my gosh! What if it doesn’t work out?!”  But it did.  And I’ve loved nearly every minute of it.  And as I make the transition, I think to myself, “What if it doesn’t work out.” But it will.  And I’ll grow even more as a person in the next position.  Change has always been scary to me.  But God’s got me.  Always has.

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2 Responses to “A hop of Faith and an End of an era”
  1. Debby says:

    If its a step of faith it’s a big one. Always big. Always scary and always carried by God. Congratulations on this new job description 😉

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