25 Days of Memories, Day 2

(I’m in the striped shirt…summer of my 4th grade year.  The girl with the fanny pack is Katie…I think.  I’d really like to see what she’s up to now…if she still prefers a fanny pack on vacations…I’d be interested in knowing. lol.  Meanwhile, I’m the cool girl with a shirt that has a built in necklace…ooh, and I have a visor.  Good times!)

Choose your friends wisely: In 5th grade, my best friend was Diamond.  Yes, her name was diamond.  We had been friends at least since 4th grade.  She was pretty and sweet, and even put little hearts over her I’s.  Well anyway, in 5th grade Diamond and I made it onto the Traffic Patrol.  Lame, I know, but actually at the time it was the cool thing to do! We got to wear cool orange vests and everything! We would put up the flag every morning and patrol the halls and the parent drop off section.  One morning my friend Diamond and another girl from our class were on flag patrol together.  This other girl convinced Diamond that I wasn’t cool enough to be her friend.  And things never were the same between us.  A lesson I learned again in high school when my best friend’s friends weren’t necessarily fans of mine.  Came up to our table at lunch and invited everyone to their party but me.  Nice, guys….nice.  That happened when I was a senior in high school.  I’d like to think though, that beyond my hurts in elementary school and high school, I remain a person open to friendship… and I remain very open with my friends in where I’m at and what my hopes and dreams are (at least, I’d like to think this is an accurate representation of who I am!).  Lesson: We let the past shape us, but not define us.

5 Responses to “25 Days of Memories, Day 2”
  1. sharonjoy says:

    You are an amazing friend–full of love! A blessing to all of us. (p.s. You have an entire WORLD of friends now. Geographically legitimate.)

  2. Gail Fleeman says:

    I remember both of those incidents so vividly! I hurt right along with you! But I felt then and feel now and would tell everyone that you are just about the coolest person I have ever known! Love you!

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